Spot Welding Supplies - Electrodes, Holders, and Accessories - Tuffaloy Products


Several standard electrode holders are manufactured by Tuffaloy to accommodate all the Tuffaloy stud-and-nut electrode tips. These holders are available in three basic types:

U.S. Pat. No. 3,504.159 Canada Pat. No. 858,060

Straight Holders - Tuffaloy straight nut-and-stud electrode holders are of the same high quality as the standard straight holders made for spot welder arm mounting. Coolant is brought to the tip and circulated around it. Holders are available in three barrel diameters.
Straight Holders Barrel Diameter




For 1" Dia. Electrodes
For 1-1/2" Dia. Electrodes
Item No.
Item No.
1-3/4 5-3/8 4530 350-4530    
1-1/4 1-3/4 5-3/8 4531 350-4531    
1-1/2 1-3/4 5-3/8 4532 350-4532    
1 2 5-3/4     4535 350-4535
1-1/4 2 5-3/4     4536 350-4536
1-1/2 2 5-3/4     4537 350-4537

Offset holders - To fit the special geometry of odd-shaped parts, Tuffaloy has 2-inch offset nut-and-stud electrode holders, made in three shank sizes.
Offset Holders Shank Diameter
For 1" Dia. Electrodes
For 1-1/2" Dia. Electrodes
Item No.
Item No.
4540 350-4540    
1-1/4 4541 350-4541 4546 350-4546
1-1/2 4542 350-4542 4547 350-4547

Spotwelding Consultants Inc.

4209 Industrial
Rowlett, Texas 75088

Toll Free: 888-255-6780
Phone: 972-475-0874
Fax: 972-475-5024